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 Am I able to go online and view my pending commissions and Affiliate commission balance?

You may check your available balance or view your pending commissions online at...

 How do I check my refund status?

Where's My Refund? - It's Quick, Easy and Secure   What you need to check the status of your...

 What is the difference between the average daily balance, adjusted balance and previous balance?

Average Daily Balance (including or excluding new purchases). The average daily balance method...

 Which option in Step 2 should I use to account for my multiple jobs? Which is most accurate? What if I don't want to reveal to my employer on my W-4 that I have a second job?

Step 2 allows you to choose one of three options, which involve tradeoffs between accuracy,...

 How many Directors/Shareholders do I need?

Most states allow for one person to act as shareholder, director, and all officer roles.