Here are some suggestions for the use of credit cards:
Pay bills promptly to keep finance charges as low as possible.
Tip: Keep copies of sales slips and promptly compare charges when your bills arrive
- Keep a list of your credit card account numbers and the telephone numbers of each card issuer in a safe place in case your cards are lost or stolen.
Protect your credit cards and account numbers to prevent unauthorized use.
Tip: Draw a line through blank spaces above the total when you sign receipts. Rip up or retain carbons.
- Deal only with reliable firms. Check with your local consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau (BBB) closest to where the business is located. Study the advertising offer carefully and always ask the company about its refund and exchange policies as well as product warranties offered.
Tip: Pay by money order, check, charge or credit card so you have a record of your purchase.
- Never send cash. Keep the ad you responded to and a copy of the order form. If there is no order form, make your own notes with the company's name, address, phone number, date, amount, the item you purchased, and any delivery date that may have been promised.
- Never give out your credit, debit, charge card or bank account numbers unless you've checked out the company or have done business with it before.