
 How can I teach my kids good financial skills?

Once they reach school age, children should start learning rudimentary financial skills. You...

 How much will I spend on my child during ages one through six?

During these years, you'll spend about $1,000 on toys and clothes, and about $2,200 a year on...

 How much will I spend on my child during ages six through twelve?

This is the time when the overall expenses of child-rearing drop and families can save more....

 How much will I spend on my child during ages thirteen through eighteen?

During this stage, you can expect your child's food, clothing, and entertainment bill to greatly...

 How much will it cost me to raise a child?

We can't tell you exactly what your child will cost, but we can provide you with estimates....

 What costs can I expect during the first year?

Here are the costs you can expect up to birth and during the first year. Hospital Costs....