In addition to the bankruptcy itself remaining on your report for ten years, each separate account that was discharged through bankruptcy can be reported in your file for up to seven years.
"Charge-offs" (accounts written off as "un collectible") and "collection accounts" (accounts sent either to the creditor's own collection department or to an outside collection agency) are extremely negative.
Note: If an account that has been charged-off (other than for bankruptcy), the creditor will usually turn it over to a collection agency, which will then attempt to collect. It then becomes a "collection account" for reporting purposes.
Tip: If you pay the charged-off amount, make sure the creditor updates the account as a "paid charge-off."
Tip: In exchange for paying off a collection account, you may be able to negotiate with the creditor or collection agency the permanent removal of the negative information from your credit bureau files. However, lenders are under no obligation to make such an agreement.