
 Avoiding fraud

Variable annuities are considered to be securities. All broker-dealers and investment advisers...

 How to buy and sell annuities?

Insurance companies sell annuities, as do some banks, brokerage firms, and mutual fund...

 Receiving Loans

The IRS allows loans to be taken from a company annuity plan tax-free provided the loan meets...

 Tax-Free Rollover

IRS rollover options allow a taxpayer to take a taxable distribution from an annuity and transfer...

 Understanding annuity fees

You will pay several charges when you invest in a variable annuity. Be sure you understand all...

 What are annuities?

An annuity is a retirement financial product and tool. It is essentially a contract between you...

 What are the benefits and risks of variable annuities?

Some people look to annuities to “insure” their retirement and to receive periodic payments once...

 What kinds of annuities are there?

There are three basic types of annuities, fixed, variable and indexed. Here is how they work:...

 Why do people buy annuities?

People typically buy annuities to help manage their income in retirement. Annuities provide three...